Modern products are rigorously tested for human safety in both use and storage.
Despite their cute appearance, they seem to have a total disregard for human safety.
Genetic engineering does not just involve corporations but also affects human safety and biodiversity.
Then there's culpable negligence, that which shows a total disregard for human safety.
"I don't see that those behaviors have elevated to the point that I'd be concerned about human safety."
"the law has always placed a higher value upon human safety than upon mere rights in property"
Fortunately this poor practice has not resulted in a threat to human safety.
People enjoying wilderness activities must be aware that all large wild animals, including wolves, present some risk to human safety.
This is not only an expression of our humanitarian obligations, but also a worthwhile investment in sustainable development and human safety.
Although human safety is still the number one priority in fire management, new US government objectives include a long-term view of ecosystems.