This strain of Lactobacillus fermentum was discovered from the analysis of human fecal samples in 1994.
By 2006, extraction of DNA directly from some archaic human samples was becoming possible.
Cross-cultural studies indicate that the g factor can be observed whenever a battery of diverse, complex cognitive tests is administered to a human sample.
The Biorepository currently has 70,000 human samples available.
It was found in a cave in southwestern Romania, with other human samples from the time.
It leads to strained efforts to shoehorn in data (for example, a set of human samples) just to try and get papers into specific journals.
More recently, this protein has been found in neural tissue in both mouse and human samples.
This find is one of the oldest human genetic samples recovered in the Americas.
Next, they sequenced the gene for 10 animal and 10 human samples.
The method was tested on human fecal samples from an area in Ghana where co-infections with all three species are endemic.