He says this is a condition which false teachings and human selfishness have created.
The greatest productive force is human selfishness.
Then I tried to preserve myself from the horror that was coming upon me, by regarding it as a rigorous punishment of human selfishness.
To list the telephone calls which incessantly disturbed the Doctor's high literary mood would be merely to give a depressing view of human selfishness.
That was his poor tribute to human selfishness; his last tender, jealous frailty as a father.
The whole reaction-system was designed to protect itself from any interference by human selfishness or fanaticism.
Efforts to deal with pandemics can leave a great deal to be desired because of human selfishness, lack of trust, illegal behavior, and ignorance.
Our political system pandered to human selfishness, to 'those' who lived off the taxpayers and 'bred' like a pack of dogs without any thought for tomorrow.
God is too often a convenient stalking- horse for human selfishness.
It's absurd and it's profound about parents, children, human selfishness and obviously greed.