Carter believed human slavery immoral, and tried to pass his beliefs to his children.
To make this clearer, consider the case of human slavery.
They dealt in human slavery, and they were absolutely ruthless.
Until well into the 19th century, human slavery was legally and morally accepted in substantial parts of the world.
This quest and understanding underlies his narrative fiction themes about human slavery.
Hellfire was coming, and a man who earned his daily bread from human slavery was about to feel the heat.
Now, there is a big-brain idea I haven't heard much about lately: human slavery.
The company's trade in human slavery peaked during the 1725 trading year, five years after the bubble burst.
Whatever enlightenment could be bought at a price of two hundred and fifty pounds was a blow at human slavery.
The group considers any use of animals for food or research to be morally equivalent to human slavery.