Putting it down to just human stupidity or wishful thinking won't do.
His voice had the hard edge that always crept into it when he was confronted by the more avoidable human stupidities.
This human stupidity and sea pollution almost put a stop to this natural phenomenon.
In general, "historical necessity" turns out to be merely a name for human stupidity.
History has shown time and again that human stupidity can lead to collective traumas capable of being continued for generations.
It had to guard against human stupidity and inhuman ingenuity.
"Maybe, after 15 years spent trying to analyze human stupidity, I turned to children for a kind of hope," she says.
The event was a tribute to human stupidity, but also to the power of water to alter a landscape in a hurry.
Indeed, human stupidity is a recurrent theme of Reekie's work.
However, throw the monkey wrench of human stupidity into the works and anything's possible.