Kiceniuk was also a contender for the first Kremer Prize for human-powered flight.
Large, pressurized domes or caverns would permit human-powered flight, which may result in new sports activities.
Such aircraft had been developed in the competition for the Kremer Prize for human-powered flight.
Early attempts at human-powered flight were unsuccessful because of the difficulty of achieving the high power-to-weight ratio.
The 92-pound plane was flown for 37.2 miles, unofficially breaking the world record for human-powered flight.
Since that time, many people have tried to make human-powered flight like a bird happen.
He was pursuing experiments in human-powered flight when the outbreak of World War II intervened.
The first human-powered flight was made on 9 November 1961 in conjunction with Southampton University.
Easter and the weather have delayed an attempt to set a world record for human-powered flight in retracing the mythical flight of Daedalus.
Rousseau attempted his first human-powered flight with flapping wings in 1995.