He found it wanting, devoid of minimum humane consideration for women.
Prudie thinks it best we agree to disagree, and err on the side of humane considerations.
She spoke as though she would be acting with the most humane consideration, and even Ella was nonplussed.
They are disproportionately people of color, often presumed unworthy of humane consideration.
The order of dismissal could hardly have been issued with more humane consideration for the supposed mental infirmity of the person to whom it was addressed.
Your humane consideration for me dates, I presume, from the time when your adopted daughter set you the example, by ordering the police officer out of the room?
Aside from humane considerations, may I remind you that we were instructed to avoid bloodshed.
There was no time left for humane considerations now; no further hesitation was possible.
Some governments permit relocation of wildlife, however humane considerations must be taken into account before relocating wildlife, including population and habitat.
But the necessity, the magnitude, the importance of the task he had taken upon himself dwarfed all merely humane considerations.