Bold, obstinate, compassionate observations, dedicated to democratic and humane principles, by the former political prisoner.
I'm just glad that there is at least one Justice Secretary in the United Kingdom who is able to articulate and abide by humane principles.
Mr. Duarte based his case not on humane principle but on expediency, arguing that sending home thousands of undocumented Salvadorans would create an economic crisis.
But reading up on the world's great faiths, she became convinced that they all, in one way or another, shared basic humane principles.
He soon adopted the humane principles of his new owners as a code of behaviour.
Hillel, the head of the Pharisee party, was not a legislator alone, he was also a model of humane principles and rare moral attainments.
I just find it depressing that after seven centuries of adhering to the scientific method we haven't come up with a more humane principle.
Bold, obstinate, compassionate observations, dedicated to democratic and humane principles, by China's most famous political prisoner.
This study is a wake-up call for the collective conscience of mankind and a call to take action to defend fundamental humane principles and values.
We voted in favour of the report, because it sets out a number of basic humane principles which should be incorporated in any refugee policy.