I usually use Summerfield Farm veal, which is raised humanely and has good flavor.
Also, since humanely raised food will be more expensive, only the well-to-do can afford morally defensible animal protein.
D'Artagnan was an early proponent of humanely raised, antibiotic and hormone-free organic meat.
They have been co-opted by big business and are no guarantee of a healthier and more humanely raised bird.
"Our goal is to supply humanely raised animals for food," she said.
Animals must be humanely raised on environmentally sustainable ranches.
They are also raised humanely.
He recently announced that he would serve meat only from humanely raised animals.
Humanely raised veal, particularly the pastured variety, is not easy to find and commands a premium price.
The chain trumpets its use of free-range pork, chicken and beef, from humanely raised animals that are not fed hormones or antibiotics.