The Freemasons used music in their ceremonies, and adopted Rousseau's humanist views on the meaning of music.
Kirill is broad-minded and has humanist views, and has a good understanding of modern society.
In the liberal humanist view, cognition takes precedence over the body, which is narrated as an object to possess and master.
In this classical humanist view, customs differ but people everywhere are prone to cruelty, a quality that Montaigne detested.
The Humanist News Service brings secular humanist views to the public.
Borges represented the humanist view of media that stressed the social aspect of art driven by emotion.
That fit with my humanist view of the world.
This attachment to the underdog is part of what Ms. Hagen calls her "humanist" view of the world.
The story was considerably reworked to reflect what Henson believed to be a more ethical, humanist view.
His humanist views earned him some powerful enemies in Genoa.