His interest centered on placing the Puerto Rican man and woman, from a humanistic perspective, into the global scene in the theatrical world.
Higgins also provided the ethical and humanistic perspective on the Discovery Channel's @discovery.
He was well known for bringing a unique humanistic perspective to his students and patients.
From a humanistic perspective, the Gaia spore concept represents a critical insurance for humanity's survival.
As a therapist, she is a strong believer of the humanistic perspective and of the Reprocessing therapy system.
His films are known for their humanistic perspective on life in Iran, often focusing on the hardships of children, the impoverished, and women.
He is known for his humanistic perspective.
In his research, he focuses on philosophy and sociology of science from a cultural, social, historical, and humanistic perspective.
Timescape offers both scientific and humanistic perspectives on the nature of reality.
There are few areas of medicine in greater need of a humanistic perspective.