He formulated his famous ten humanistic principles, which were more or less repeated at every later peace summit and event.
It doesn't suit the humanistic principles of the 21st century.
Gombrich, in sounding a cry for traditional humanistic principles, comes down on the unfashionable side of the argument.
MiSPP graduate students seek to become practicing clinicians committed to the humanistic principles and values of psychology.
Many reformers focused on reforming society by reforming education on more scientific, humanistic, pragmatic or democratic principles.
We dwell uncomfortably with those softer, more humanistic principles so hard to tease out and explain or understand, which are historically women's.
Her views on the Norwegian penal system were grounded in humanistic principles founded in criminology, and several of her proposals for reform met with controversy.
"Our basic constitutional and humanistic principles are being deeply offended here."
His political convictions were founded on humanistic and Christian principles.
"And even for the nonreligious, it is a tenet of people who believe in humanistic principles."