The mission of the humanistic psychologist is to help the individual employ these resources via the therapeutic relationship.
However, Maslow was highly critical of Freud, since humanistic psychologists did not recognize spirituality as a navigation for our behaviours.
For instance, I think the reality that humanistic psychologists have built is incredibly indulgent and not useful.
This underscored the importance of research to humanistic psychologists as well as their interest in special forms of human science investigation.
While personal transformation may be the primary focus of most humanistic psychologists, many now investigate pressing social, cultural, and gender issues.
In the middle of that same year Abraham Maslow, the prominent humanistic psychologist, just happened to drive into the grounds and soon became an important figure at the institute.
Krippner is an internationally known humanistic psychologist, having written extensively on dreams, altered states of consciousness, hypnosis, shamanism, dissociation, and parapsychological subjects.
Frankl became one of the key figures in existential therapy and a prominent source of inspiration for humanistic psychologists.
In his works he took the approach of humanistic psychologists.
Even for a humanistic psychologist.