It includes conference rooms and a humanities center.
The money will also support a campus child-care center, an honors program, a humanities center, and a research library.
Students in the Humanities Center also get to practice their humanitarian skills by performing volunteer work for every year that they participate in the center.
Corruption and cronyism became systemic, spread by the ostentatious conference circuit and the new humanities centers of the 1980's.
Dorothy Cullman was responsible for devising what became a humanities center in the library, supported by 15 scholars and annual funding for research.
The plans for the Great Hall are justified, proponents say, because the new humanities center has no interest in a monumental interior space, and needs offices instead.
Among his many accomplishments is the founding of the Whitney's Humanities Center at Yale University.
The Humanities Center sponsors programs and events that highlight the importance of the humanities across the University and in the local community.
The Institute is a member of the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes.
Ursinus College, a small private liberal arts college in Collegeville, Pa., has been awarded a $5.37 million grant to build a humanities center.