John Browne's neighbours buried him at the gable-end of his humble cottage.
Askeladden is often said to come from "a humble cottage in the woods".
Meanwhile, Griselda has returned to the humble cottage where she once lived.
Even the most humble cottage on a tiny lot in Beach Hampton may cost $100,000 to $200,000 more than appearances suggest.
A lamp casts long shadows of many colors on the floor of the humble cottage.
In the humble cottage which served for the village church?
There, in a humble thatched cottage of three rooms, his parents reared five sons and six daughters.
The humble little cottage brooded, desolate and alone, on its hilltop.
The humble cottage was home now, a comforting destination where I expected to find all I needed.
She lives in a humble cottage by herself and can transform into a water-like dragon.