But maternal love prevailed and the spirit, humble and penitent, followed his mother.
The humble spirit, my dear sir, is a washout in matrimony!
Because he didn't need a humble spirit at the moment, What he needed was an eye for war, a taste for blood.
Because at any moment he may find God, for he has a humble spirit.
Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud.
It is the token of a humble spirit always to do well, and to set little by oneself.
So you do as you're told in the proper humble spirit.
"He used to have such a humble spirit, but one day, Terrell woke up and he was different."
In the North he lets anybody walk over him that wants to, and goes home and prays for a humble spirit to bear it.
I'm trying to promote a meek and humble spirit.