Whatever the medium, the humbling lessons of Aesop's fables remain the same.
They offer useful and humbling lessons about how people and information interact with one another.
Now that we've learned this humbling lesson, there's absolutely no possible way it could ever happen again to us.
To this day, despite all the humbling lessons the universe has already taught us, we still try to retain a central role in creation.
Following their directions for simple steamed fish, for example, was a humbling lesson.
But has that humbling lesson stopped some from pronouncing the Democratic Party as on the brink of doom?
Yet it may prove to be one of history's humbling lessons that history itself fails to illuminate the conflict under way in Iraq.
The most humbling lesson of last week was reserved for the Bank of England.
Listening to those criticisms has taught me a salutary and humbling lesson.
Inside the bank, senior executives say they have learned a humbling lesson about how much work they have to do.