And while her work looked at one small newspaper, The Ann Arbor News, it is a humbling reminder for all of us in the press who think we do a good job covering education.
Richard Blinder, a planner for the project, called the fountain "a provocative and humbling reminder of the mysteries and power lying beneath the urban surfaces."
A trip that had lasted a matter of hours under warp drive was now stretched into weeks, a humbling reminder of the vastness of space.
Scientists said the new research on defensins was a humbling reminder of how little they know about the immune system, or indeed any other part of the natural world.
It is partly a physical labor, with crisp cascades articulated up and down the keyboard, but also more: a humbling reminder of why a critic got into this business in the first place.
To engineers, the silent machinery of a living cell is a humbling reminder of the crudeness of their own designs.
I was flabbergasted, but took it as a humbling reminder that as a Member of Congress, you can always find constituents who can teach you a thing or two about an issue.
Predawn, the reflections of thousands of stars glitter in the moat surrounding the temple - a black, silent silhouette against the night sky, a humbling reminder of the greatness and also of the smallness of man.
Our situation should serve as a humbling reminder to those who wish Mr. Greenspan to do something - anything - to make the hurt go away.
The net result is a humbling reminder of the limitations of medical science.