Both, I humbly submit, are strictly for show.
We humbly submit: the food tastes as good sober as when you're trashed at 3am.
I do not set up for a lawgiver, and therefore shall lay down no certain rules, humbly submitting in all things to the wisdom of our legislature.
Re bad lyrics - I humbly submit the following by Des'ree.
However, we ask you to consider our past exemplary record and would humbly submit the testimony of our employers as to our conduct.
Howbeit on this matter, as on all, I humbly submit me to the judgment of my superiors and to Holy Church.
We humbly submit just 10 stories of bungled crimes in no particular order.
So I humbly submit that the world should not feel so disappointed; the soul of India is not dead.
Adam himself made amends for the sacramental part of his work and before he died he humbly submitted all his works to Rome for examination.
And, I humbly submit, it is just as difficult trying to describe a wine to an expert.