Some aspects of the cult's life were bizarre, even though members spent most of their days on the humdrum tasks of living and renovating the block-square compound.
Instead he'd assigned her the most humdrum task an apprentice could get.
In 1871, he moved to Brussels, where he spent six years, still working at relatively humdrum tasks, but gradually acquiring the confidence to follow his own path wherever it led.
One should treasure those humdrum tasks that keep the body occupied but leave the mind and heart unfettered.
Researchers say these proteins evolved first for their humdrum housekeeping tasks and only later were adapted to the entirely different and specialized task of building the lens.
Even the humdrum tasks are varied enough to militate against a sense of monotony.
But the government has also set about the humdrum tasks of any sovereign state.
He covered his eagerness with a great show of boredom at such a humdrum task.
Between now and then, there will be more than enough time for a few farewells and final thoughts, but first there's the more humdrum task of the handover.
Most of the time the Marines had to do all the humdrum tasks in the ship-sentries at the watercask, the captain's cabin door, the magazine and so on.