Another handed him a white towel to wipe the sweat from his brow on this warm and humid evening.
On a recent humid evening, 26 children and a few parents gathered at the Weigh Down headquarters.
Finally, he was back in the old neighborhood, where people were sitting on the stoops on a humid evening.
He was too worked up to enjoy himself during the humid evening at Shea Stadium.
The races were run on hot, humid evenings.
Reynoso (6-3) said his arm began bothering him in the second inning on a hot and humid evening.
THE last thing I felt like ordering on a recent humid evening here at B4 was hot soup.
With no one to push him on a warm and humid evening, Ritzenhein, a senior, triumphed by 100 yards in a meet-record 8:44.43.
Named for its body color, the bronze frog may be difficult to find until warm, humid evenings, when its mating call is heard.
Yes, she had enjoyed touching that boy on a humid evening in Sienna.