It would probably not have been so good for us to return to Arkon in such a humiliating fashion anyway.
The most common way to "tilt" is losing, often a recent victim of a bad beat, or being defeated in a particularly public and humiliating fashion.
This time it was in a little more humiliating fashion.
Too many promising careers have been ended in this humiliating fashion.
She would be lucky if the general didn't shake her in humiliating fashion.
He could not have done it in a more humiliating fashion.
How could she expect him to remain to help her when she treated him in such a humiliating fashion?
And he broke in the most humiliating fashion.
What gives these bodies, whose legitimacy is more than dubious, the right to treat a sovereign state such as Turkey in this humiliating fashion?
I am damned if I will die in this humiliating fashion.