He was a small, humorless man who kept shaking his head in exaggerated motions.
He was a humorless man with thick glasses.
A humorless young man in glasses and a dark suit, he never even noticed Jess.
Chi Hsun was a tall, humorless man with a long, horselike face.
He knew himself to be a humorless man; still he tried to imitate an amused tone of voice.
A reporter's guide to the vain, ascetic, humorless man and the Islamic geography that made him.
The lawyer had struck him as a rather solemn, humorless little man; irony seemed somewhat out of character.
Described as a small, humorless man with a pawnbroker nose and bloodhound eyes.
Hearst was that rare thing, the humorless man who could recognize humor in others, and even at his own expense.
J, though usually a taciturn and humorless man, was not without his moments.