"I had no idea my little humorous attempt to find a stable roommate in West Hollywood three years ago had achieved such objectionable notoriety," he said in an e-mail message.
"Laughing Matters" (1987) describes, classifies and analyzes comedy in Sanskrit literature and, in its last 60 pages, reports Siegel's humorous attempts to gather pop-culture comic materials in contemporary India.
The spelling in the letter was abysmal, the formation of the letters and words clumsy, resembling a child's humorous first attempts at penmanship.
They drank beer and both smoked another cigarette after several humorous attempts at lighting up in the face of a stiff wind.
Sledging is usually simply an often humorous, sometimes insulting attempt at distraction.
Most of the rest of the plot deals with Bugs' humorous attempts to evade Millicent's romantic advances; Bugs is often thwarted by a gun-wielding Elmer.
A humorous attempt to become "the smartest person in the world" by reading all 32 volumes of the Encylopedia Britannica.
He found himself watching Trima, even as he laughed and ate and made humorous attempts to communicate through gesture.
I was going to use the opportunity to post a self-written, almost humorous, nearly scanning attempt at poetry but HenryLloydMoon has beaten me to it.
It is described by Ubukata as "a humorous attempt at combining d'Eon de Beaumont, eighteenth century France, and a superhero story."