Often included was a humorous presentation by a deaf man.
The meeting had six sessions, included a lecture on law, a humorous presentation, and multiple discussions about the role of women in society.
Despite their humorous presentation, the political satires are often an accurate reflection of political reality and public opinion.
Springs Dance Company bring alive their Christian faith in a humorous but thought-provoking presentation.
He got his start as a comedian while still a police officer, giving humorous presentations to the deputy commissioners.
The show was a humorous presentation on the importance of the human brain.
Just Like A Car: A musical and somewhat humorous presentation demonstrating how a bicycle is just like a car!
It was a good, humorous presentation of this classic Irish play.
"Bill the Cat" from Warragul is a humorous presentation of a serious message that points out the damage that feral cats do to wildlife.
With his chatty, often humorous presentation, he sounded like an ally as well as an expert.