But, by common consent, the group set off at what our leader humorously described as a moderate pace.
The couple humorously described this as "term insurance for our marriage in stead of a straight life policy".
Tracy's affair with the other teacher is described humorously, even if it doesn't seem like a credible occurrence.
Céline's writings are examples of black comedy, where unfortunate and often terrible things are described humorously.
In late 2008 and early 2009 the Snuggie brand of sleeved blankets became a pop culture phenomenon, sometimes described humorously as a "cult".
(She also had a brief foray into fashion modeling, which was humorously described to an interviewer years later.)
These have been humorously described as points where Homer "nodded off," from which comes the proverbial phrase "Homeric nod."
The Times, in retrospect, humorously described the magazine as about "brave chaps with large moustaches on stiff upper lips, who did stupid and dangerous things".
Such was the bishop's leadership and grasp of detail that the diocese was humorously described as being under "Martial Law".
As one prominent supporter once humorously described the problem: "Organizing Southerners is harder than herding cats!"