Although the second Moleman was most likely an animation mistake, The Archive suggested humorously it could indicate that each Moleman is a different person and that he does indeed die.
Mr. Brierly humorously suggested that it might be, as none of the members were occupied in night session.
Ben humorously suggests that Jennifer is the best kisser.
"Go to bed earlier," Alucius suggested humorously as he turned toward his small room.
They humorously suggest transports of erotic ecstasy (Johnson).
He also humorously suggested that "this is a car you drive with a long face".
Bob Black has also humorously suggested the idea of "Marxist Stirnerism" just as he wrote an essay on "groucho-marxism".
Mr. Bush, humorously suggesting an ambassadorship, interjected, "Have you ever heard of Chad?"
Alucius suggested humorously as he turned toward his small room.