Nicolai hunched closer; he was the kind of boy, Arkady thought, who would try to read his marks upside down on his teacher's desk.
Hunching closer, Humphries said, "I hear you're going the nanotech route."
The ripwing croaked and hunched closer, stabbing at my throat.
Emily hunched the jacket closer around her shoulders.
He hunched closer, trying to ignore Justine's terrified face.
The bear hunched closer, snarling in a basso growl, spit and blood drooling from its long yellow teeth.
The girl shuddered, hunching closer into the poor shelter of her ragged cloak.
He hunched closer, fixing his dark eyes on the executor's face.
He hunched closer, absorbing every detail.
Leaving a crimson track, it hunched closer, lifting its knife to Brion.