"Time to Tau Ceti: four hundred-plus years."
They aren't learning about the bravery and sacrifice that exemplified the character of our Founders and our greatest civic, military, and political leaders over the past two hundred-plus years.
Despite fishing and scientific surveys in the area, no more Irrawaddy river sharks have been recorded in the hundred-plus years since the first.
Readers couldn't help but notice that the books of the Foundation series covered only three hundred-plus years of the thousand-year hiatus between Empires.
Pam is blond, probably two hundred-plus years old, and actually has a sense of humor;nota vampire trademark.
It appeared the male species had not evolved much in the last hundred-plus years.
At times, though, she couldn't help wondering what Khan would be up to once he finally woke up, a hundred-plus years from now.
It could never hope to compete with the hundred-plus years he had spent honing his mind to a finely disciplined beam of pure white light.
During the Colorado precious-mineral frenzy a hundred-plus years ago, Georgetown was gold and Silver Plume was silver.
The zoo has done many other good works over its hundred-plus years of existence.