Zigzagging, hunkered low, the three unwounded Troglytes disappeared into the mine entrance.
The craft had no running lights and hunkered low in the water.
But even by the standards of this Governor, he has hunkered remarkably low lately.
It was no more than ten paces away when the yellow eyes inched into view, hunkered low to the ground.
He planted has heels on the shelving stone that led down to the Pond and hunkered low.
As the horses came at him, Cushing hunkered low against the post.
As he approached the boxes, she hunkered low.
Adrenaline pulled him forward, hunkering low.
Hunkered low, we waited for the Cadillac to pass.
He walked slowly, hunkered low but keeping his head up, his arms open and his knees bent like a wrestler approaching his opponent.