Joe's love affair with Rosa Luxemburg Saks, a surrealist with ties to a Fifth Avenue department store, is interspersed with Sammy's covert romance with a hunky actor named Tracy Bacon.
Finally, Vikram is selected by Neena, Ranjit (director of the film Sanjay Kapoor) and Romy's wife (Juhi Chawla), despite Romy's desire to cast the other macho, hunky actor.
The donor, Paul Cooper (Kevin Daniels), turns out to be a hunky but unemployed actor in rebellion against his father, a snobbish corporate lawyer (Mr. Vereen).
Add a hunky unknown actor to the mix - Josh Strickland is Tarzan - and you have a hit waiting to happen.
In the Mattel showrooms, a hunky actor dressed as an Indian - hair cascading to his knees, too - demonstrated a face-painting kit ($13.50) for aspiring braves.
Maybe it's because the hunky actor who portrays bad boy Puck on "Glee" is far from being a teen.
A 2004 interviewer described Kutcher as a "hunky young actor [who] is heading in all different directions at once", including "the hot L.A. restaurant Dolce":
The hunky actor has played in movies including "Dear John," "The Dilemma," and "Fighting" but if you think this beefcake is all muscle and no acting, think again.
'You'll be the hunkiest actor around, and you'll have girls crawling in the windows of your apartment just to get their hands on you.'
The hunky Aussie actor was spotted picking his daughter Ava from .