Projects also may include providing public use and access to wildlife resources, hunter education and development and management of shooting ranges.
It also operates a community training programs, offering programs to local citizens such as self defense, firearms training, and hunter education.
Conservation Officers may be required to teach courses in boating, bow hunting, trapping and snowmobiling along with hunter education.
The priority use of the facility is for hunter education and training.
Local hunting clubs and national organizations provide hunter education and help protect the future of the sport by buying land for future hunting use.
The association is involved in hunter education, including firearm safety and R Class licenses for the New South Wales Game Council.
The Basic Hunter Education certificate is valid in any state where hunter education is required to purchase a license.
Find resources about hunter education, firearms safety and the popular National Archery in the Schools Program, (NASP).
Grants benefit programs such as youth education, law enforcement training, hunter education, conservation, firearms and marksmanship training and safety.
A major component of the RCSP is hunter education and training.