In it, a major tells tall tales about his hunting adventures to a boy who resembles Freddie Bartholomew.
Experiences such as hearing voices from ice or stones were discussed as readily as everyday hunting adventures.
While Official Xbox Magazine called the game "A decent hunting adventure".
Hunt Masters and Pro Hunter Journal follow teams of hunters as they pursue big-game hunts, while Ritz's Primitive Instinct focuses more on his individual hunting adventures.
It was interesting enough in its way and we met with a few hunting adventures, also some others.
About his hunting adventures with famous people.
The show airs on Outdoor Channel and documents the non-guided hunting adventures of Randy Newberg and his circle of non-guided hunting friends.
Shekar once saves Maragadham from Muthaiah, after which Maragadham gets a chance to save Shekar's life when during one of his hunting adventures, a tiger attacks him.
He told me a great deal about the country and its wild animals, with some hunting adventures, and a great deal about Indians and their cruelty and treachery.
He also wrote anecdotal, whimsical short stories about his hunting adventures, for which he has been called the "Münchhausen of Courland".