Those jobs can be protected, I know the hunting fraternity say they don't want to drag hunt.
I also thank the hunting fraternity for their documentary they sent me on hunting the facts.
My opinion has always been that fishermen, at least those who fish to catch and return, are on a par with the hunting fraternity.
'Ever send any letters to members of the hunting fraternity?'
There's an old man who lives nearby, a fanatical member of the local hunting fraternity.
Australian hunting fraternities consider large sambar trophies to be prized.
The problem is that they simply don't grasp the true meaning of the terms, phrases, and casual utterances as used by the hunting fraternity.
These, in turn, prompted an uproar among citizens disgusted with the hunting fraternity.
His main clientele was among the hunting fraternity.
"Excuse me, maybe I'm a traditionalist," he wrote, "but I see no place for these weapons among our hunting fraternity."