"I went down to his hunting ranch in Florida to do a story on him and his ranch, and we just hit it off," she said.
I was recently in Texas on a former hunting ranch now converted into a refuge of sorts for cows, goats and pigs.
Allegations that the Catskill Game Farm has sold animals to hunting ranches have dogged the operation for several years now.
The footage was taken by an undercover investigator at a hunting ranch in Pennsylvania.
"I bought 60 springbok from a hunting ranch and within six months, cheetah had killed 43 of them," Bruno says.
He operates a hunting ranch in Tanzania.
On expansive hunting ranches in Texas, the well-appointed rely on "bird boys" to skin and gut the birds in the field.
He lives in Louisville and has a hunting ranch in Idaho.
Or hunting ranches where their numbers are managed and poachers can't get them.
Nugent owns a hunting ranch near Jackson, Michigan, called Sunrize Acres.