This he hurled far into the sea.
With all the strength he can muster, he hurls the jar far into the darkness.
Reacher piled the badges with the police IDs and the driving licences on the passenger seat and then hurled the empty wallets far into the landscape.
Spheres of wood or rubber (in the past cheese) are placed in the pouch of a sheppard's sling and hurled far through the air.
The thirty-five men were being estranged from their natal planet and hurled across unthinkable immensity at a speed far beyond that of any solar body or satellite.
"Data to security," he said, hurling the spanner far across the room.
He hurled the wreckage far into the grass.
He hurled the shoe far, far away into the dark depths of the woods.
'The antigravity power which the disks exert is so powerful that to fly into a ray too close to its source would be to die instantly, flattened in a moment and hurled to the fields of Elysia far, far below.'
Grey wound up and hurled the wood far to the side.