You pass hurriedly among them, careful not to make eye contact.
A hurriedly passed state law that addressed the Court's concerns allowed the school to continue operating.
There were broken branches where horses and cattle had passed hurriedly.
Val passed hurriedly into that part of the house.
The cell phones were hurriedly passed to the front.
Then he remembered himself and passed hurriedly on, following his fellows into the cloister.
In the corridors outside the caucuses, senators hurriedly passed to and fro.
Four years ago the Patriot Act was hurriedly passed before anyone had a full grasp of its potential to infringe on citizens' rights.
He passed hurriedly through a cluttered back yard and climbing a fence, found himself in the neighborhood known as the River District.
Enacted in the wake of the first battle of Bull Run, this hurriedly passed law did not break much new ground.