He pushed hurriedly past a fat man struggling to rise from his seat and was the first person down the steps.
I hurriedly pushed through this growth into a ten-foot-wide natural drainage swale.
Caleb hurriedly pushed the gold and coins back into the pouch.
Elayne hurriedly pushed in among the horses before her friend decided to draw the knife she was fondling.
Henry hurriedly pushed the memory, and the shadows that flocked behind it, away.
Edeard hurriedly pushed the blanket down and rolled out.
There was no folded paper pushed hurriedly into a pocket as you entered the room?
Rubenstein looked at him, saying nothing, and nodded, then hurriedly pushed his glasses off the bridge of his nose.
Ken hurriedly pushed the power up and worked to stabilize the airspeed.
Tracy distinctly heard shrubbery rustling as something pushed roughly and hurriedly through it.