Heller hurriedly reached over and pried the cat off.
She hurriedly reaches for Joseph, only to find him murdered in the same fashion as the other murders.
He reached for his clothes hurriedly and dressed himself.
She reached hurriedly for her blanket to wrap around them.
He hurriedly reached toward Mr. Scott and pulled off the protective gloves of the commander's engineering suit.
As the man hurriedly reached for his side arm, Janson swung the scoped rifle like a bat, connecting with the man's head.
He drew his hand free and massaged the wrist, then reached hurriedly for his clothing.
She dragged her glance away and reached hurriedly up to Peter before he closed the door.
The hydrologists hurriedly reached for their own mufflers, while Uhura tried to catch her breath long enough to speak.
The place was suddenly suffocating and he hurriedly reached for change to pay.