Hurriedly removing her dress while crossing the room, Helene opened a suitcase that lay beside the bureau.
I hurriedly removed my shirt and Mevrou made a cursory examination of my stomach.
He hurriedly removed a jumpsuit from the duffel bag and slipped into it.
As always, he stopped at his secretary's desk to hurriedly remove his gloves as if important matters were waiting.
As she comes into the castle the Beast hurriedly removes himself.
"I hurriedly removed the bumper jack, tossed it in the back of the car, and stepped on the throttle."
Pitt kicked the big door closed, crouched down and hurriedly removed the guards' revolvers from their holsters.
Tachyon hurriedly removed the glass, and set it well away from both of them as if abjuring the alcohol.
Hurriedly removing the paper wrapper from a hotel glass, she filled it water and then washed her mouth out.
He noticed how stiff and lifeless her body felt, and hurriedly removed his hands.