Yet whenever they happened to meet his own eyes they hurriedly withdrew again, and not wholly for the sake of seemliness either.
The attack swept through the gaps in the German defences, as Germans further back hurriedly withdrew.
Gingerly she handed me the scrapbook, as if determined to come only so close and no closer, then she hurriedly withdrew her hand.
Harry peered through a window, and then hurriedly withdrew.
Abruptly the search ceased as the Germans hurriedly withdrew from the blazing building.
We withdrew hurriedly from the chasm, our minds full of this new development and its bearing upon our plans.
A second shot chipped the corner just above my head and I withdrew hurriedly.
A head that had been sticking out withdrew hurriedly.
Slipping the final plate back into place, Archer yelped and hurriedly withdrew his right hand from harm's way.
Both vehicles broke down while hurriedly withdrawing through fear of air attack which did not come, and one was then destroyed by the crew.