The nonchalance of the hurrying feet would have rubbed them out in half an hour.
You were not aware of any hurrying feet on the stair as you entered the outer door?
The quiet dripping of the water was a counter rhythm to her own hurrying feet.
The bat was the child's shadow, shrunk by the vertical sun to a patch between the hurrying feet.
He kneels for an instant, hearing the hurrying feet of those who pass behind him.
"Nothing but the absence of precise details restrains his hurrying feet."
As they ran they heard the beat and echo of many hurrying feet behind.
Then there was a complete silence, broken only by the hurrying feet of Donohue and the cop.
Paks had no hand to spare for him, and he disappeared under the hurrying feet.
A three-quarter moon, pale as ivory, hung in the clear sky, sharpening the shadows under their hurrying feet.