While strategists argued over whether the advertisements hurt Republicans, they certainly did not help.
Now in the Governor's mansion, he is quietly trying to thwart the effort, apparently fearful that adding more voters to the rolls will hurt Republicans.
It is precisely this kind of arrogance that hurt Congressional Republicans in the midterm elections.
Even if the bank issue remains in the public mind by Election Day, its impact seems sure to hurt Republicans as well as Democrats.
The strategy was hurting Republicans in the polls, Mr. Dunlap acknowledged, but they still should have held fast.
Over the last two days, Democratic leaders have repeatedly said they believed concerns about corporate malfeasance would hurt Republicans in the elections.
My objection is is he's proposing a campaign funding reform that will hurt Republicans and hurt the conservative cause.
Some said the war was providing a rallying point for dispirited Democrats and could hurt Republicans in Congressional elections next year.
Support for abortion rights, usually a plus in general elections, often hurts Republicans in their primaries.
Moreover, they also have hurt fellow Republicans, according to some of his colleagues.