I could not hurt your father's line.
Heavy long-term debt, which stood at $2.3 billion last September, the most recent figure available, has hurt Continental's bottom line.
"We won't have any layoffs over this, but it'll probably hurt our bottom line."
And the torrent of coverage will hurt her company's bottom line.
But she would never hurt her line and her people by stepping aside to let them pass untended.
But other restaurateurs offering al fresco dining say the work is hurting their bottom line.
Managers do not say to themselves, "I am going to ignore the qualifications of this black person even though it will hurt my bottom line."
If globalization hurts their bottom line, you can be sure to see them leading the charge in the reverse direction.
You're not the only one and it's thinking like that which is seriously going to hurt some operations' bottom line.
It is a mechanism to allow big business to avoid regulations that help the people in general but might hurt their bottom line.