Four hydrogue warglobes hurtled on a beeline across space directly toward them.
As Voyager hurtles directly toward them, two alien ships attached to her hull become visible.
But in almost the same second the California appeared and hurtled directly into the blockade formation of the alerted robotships.
His long-range sensors detected a small mass of metal, plastic, and other materials hurtling directly toward him from the city.
He reached for the radio detonator, as the Concorde came hurtling directly at him, only a few metres from the ground.
The Mig hurtled directly for them with its cannon blasting.
And suddenly the raiding ships came together, angled around, and hurtled directly toward the Enterprise.
A rock came hurtling through the front window directly at Rick.
Hyperion was a distinct sphere now, hurtling directly at them like some deadly missile.
One moment this fantastic equipage was hurtling through the air directly toward them.