Molly retired seven years before her husband George, when she was 54, on the grounds of ill-health.
Following her baseball career, Mickey raised six children from 1950 to 1959 with husband George but became a single mother in 1963.
Simson is married to husband George and they have one son, Eric.
Her husband George transforms into a demon instead and kills her.
In 1999, Harrison and her husband George were attacked by a mentally ill man who broke into their home.
Mussman is married to husband George and has three sons.
And her husband George, a previous chairman, plans to organise a petition in a bid to overturn the decision.
Her husband George was snoring on the couch with Clara's feet in his lap.
My husband George had Alzheimer's disease for many years.
Our condolences to her husband George, her children, grandchildren and greatgrandchild.