She and her husband Michael have a son, Henry, born in 2003.
Forste and her husband Michael are the parents of three daughters.
Gloria was often caught in the middle of arguments between her husband Michael, with whom she shared liberal political beliefs, and her conservative father, Archie.
Sonia is a lawyer working for the same law firm as her Jewish husband Michael.
Celia Shane makes $65,000 a year as a legal secretary, and her husband Michael, a cooking instructor, makes $90,000.
Her husband Michael doesn't believe her when she reveals to him about her time travels and thinks that she is going crazy.
She and her husband Michael live in Norman, Oklahoma with their four children.
She and husband Michael are the parents of two sons and a daughter.
You said you got caught up in the fighting, my husband Michael said he'd love to hear more about that.
The young couple, Rita and her husband Michael, cannot afford an apartment and live in Rita's child's room.