To be fair, my husband did not develop those qualities until he was much older than Drex is now, and not without help.
Eventually her husband, Timothy, an architect, developed a little routine for such occasions.
Her politically ambitious husband had developed financial interests in several Atlanta nightclubs.
Mrs. Hunt said her husband developed high fevers and a rash within days of the barbecue.
My husband developed a serious arm and neck problem.
During the following week she began to suspect that her husband had developed an interest elsewhere.
Five years ago, she placed her mother in a nursing home, and that same year her husband developed Parkinson's disease.
Comment: My husband (like others i have read) has developed neuropathy.
Her husband later developed Alzheimer's disease, dying after a ten-year struggle with the illness.
He has counseled the mother, a Dominican immigrant, since her husband developed a genetic disease and had to be placed in a nursing home.