They saw us and the husband grabbed the wife and headed across the street at a dead run.
She and her husband, Reinaldo, who have lived in Union City for 26 years, were heading south to see their grandchildren.
Her husband was heading back to the office to do some work.
She and her second husband headed to California, where they hoped to open their own saloon.
When my husband and I headed to the cafe for a midweek lunch, we brought our toughest critic, our 2-year-old daughter.
Her husband founded and heads the company.
The picture bore no name, no identification of any kind, but she surmised that her husband was heading for Europe to find this man.
Leaving the obstetrician's office, my husband and I headed for a medical library to do research on clubfoot.
Eliza's husband and her oldest son George disappeared at sea in 1846 during a business trip headed towards Wellington.
One Friday, my husband and I were heading uptown for dinner.