Anna and her husband with three sons had immigrated to Canada in 1927 from Swidnik, Poland.
Since she has German ancestors, she and her husband immigrated in 1996 to the German state of Hesse.
She remained in Paris for ten years, but in the shadow of World War II, she and her husband immigrated to New York City in 1941.
She and her husband, Mathew Varughese, had immigrated from India two decades before and had three daughters in the United States.
Several years ago, she and her husband immigrated to California, where she began part-time horticultural studies.
She and her husband, Michael Klein, immigrated to Canada in 1967 as resisters to the Vietnam War She is the mother of Naomi Klein, the political writer and filmmaker.
After marrying Robert Greig of Scotland in the early 1930's, she and her husband immigrated to Canada, where they lived for several years before moving to New York City.
Her husband immigrated on 21 December 1923 in time to see her opening on the NY stage.
The artist was a member of the Bauhaus School for 10 years before she and her husband, Josef Albers, immigrated to the United States in 1933.
She and her husband immigrated to the United States from Mexico 12 years ago.